My Two Cents

By Jim Koury, Editor, Diversity Rules Magazine
© 2013 Diversity Rules Magazine.  All Rights Reserved.

jrk_colorWelcome to the January issue of Diversity Rules Magazine!  It is hard to believe that another year has come to a close and another has begun.

All in all, 2012 was a good year.  Diversity Rules has gained momentum, readership has increased and the publication is beginning a new chapter with the return of a print copy on a limited, subscription only basis beginning with the March issue.  I look forward to continuing to provide quality content for Diversity Rules readers, and stay on the cutting edge of what’s new and exciting in the queer world.

Personally, 2012 has been a year of growth and enlightenment.  I have made great strides forward in achievement of goals, while falling short on others.  A new year provides an opportunity for reassessment and resetting of goals.  I am looking forward to new and exciting opportunities in the coming year.

This month’s feature is a person who has appeared in past issues.  Diversity Rules welcomes back James Schwartz, this time as the feature cover interview.

James Schwartz is a poet and slam performer striving for the simplicity of Cavafy mixed with modern gay wordplay and elements.  Schwartz’s poetry/slam material dialogues of queer issues and affirmations of gay (night) life and love.

He was born February 19, 1978 and raised in the Old Order Amish community in southwest MI.

Schwartz’s poetry publications include Poetry Life and Times (UK), Michiana’s Rainbow Gazette (P-FLAG), Babel:  The Multilingual, Multicultural Online Journal, LGBT Asylum News, All Poetry is Prayer anthology (2010), The New Verse News, Queer Dirty Laundry, Politiku, Poetry 24, Nostrovia! Poetry and @7×20.  Schwartz is the author of The Literary Party: Growing Up Gay and Amish in America (inGroup Press) 2011.

I am sure you will enjoy James’ interview.  I also encourage you to buy his book as well.

As I mentioned previously, beginning in March 2013, Diversity Rules Magazine will undergo some changes, most notably there will be a return to a limited subscription only print version.  Having a print edition will satisfy those readers who like hard copy publications.

Second, the website will be revamped and updated.  A request for proposals has been issued to solicit cost estimates for doing so.  I encourage you to refer to page 7 for more information on the proposal request. 

Last, along with the website update, the masthead will be revised and replaced with one that is abstract, contemporary and eye catching and emits an edgy non-politically correct look.  If anyone is interested in working on a design, please feel free to contact me.

I hope you enjoy this issue, and stay tuned for more information on the changes that are coming soon.

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