Happy New Year all. It is hard to believe we are beginning a brand new year, but we are! Unfortunately, we have much uncertainty facing us due to many stupid people who actually thought the former occupant of the White House has changed his stripes, and will be a force of good in our country. UGH. We must forge ahead, though. This month there is really no feature. I wanted to “introduce” the New Year, and give y’all my thoughts on how to navigate what should be a very trying, and challenging year.
Generally, I often hear many folks say 2024 was the worst year they have ever experienced. I must say that despite all I have been dealing with, it was not a bad one for me. Actually, it was one of the better ones! A year of powerful transition, and change … forces which will certainly continue to influence my ‘25 for the better, while stretching me out of my comfort zone a bit more.
I would have to say the biggest positive thing for me in ‘24 was personal liberation from a very toxic environment and influence which continually proved to be a very depressing drag on my psyche. That extremely negative influence is thankfully now gone which has allowed me to move on with my own life. While our national politics will be a complete shit show, on a personal level, I have decided to embrace and influence that which I can control, and capitalize on the energy and power that began to stir within me last year because of my newfound freedom and focus on myself. Staying in my own lane will be the key mantra. Jim will be the focus, and getting on with what time I have left in this crazy world of ours, and all its madness. If we all look more deeply within ourselves, there are many things to be grateful for and goals to set and achieve in the coming year. Make YOU your focus, too!
Despite staying in my own lane there will always be time to help others, to give them encouragement, hope, and optimism, mixed in with some compassion, and understanding, that their lives can be better, if the desire is there to make it so. Put some blinders on to what is about to happen to us because of millions of very short-sighted people, and do the best you can to bring personal fulfillment and happiness into your lives, and in the lives of others regardless of the toxicity swirling around us, and very likely for years to come.. That is my sincere wish and hope for anyone reading this.
There is always room to be a light in someone’s life, if need be. My shoulders are broad. We are all in this fucking mess together. I would rather help make ‘25 a better one for someone else, rather than add to the strife, chaos, and dissension that will adversely influence and affect so many and will be so plentiful this year, and in the coming years.
That is my message to you this first month of the New Year 2025. It is up to us to make it meaningful year on a much more personal level since there is not much we can do to change the course of the electoral travesty we have inflicted uipon ourselves.
So, yes, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Make it so!!!