Made In America! Where are My Rights?

Fighting for equal rights for everyone
© 2012 Diversity Rules Magazine.  All Rights Reserved.

Made_In_AmericaMade In America!  Where are My Rights?” is an organization started by photographers in Erie, PA, to express the views and feelings of men and  women in the LGBTA Community fighting for equal rights. Join in, be heard so that every man, woman, and child can express themselves and equally love who they wish.

The mission is to inform and engage the general public about the LGBTA community and the inequalities they struggle with.

Made In America: Where are my rights is a place where Americans (Gay or Straight) and their Allies near and Abroad can share their Stories, Voice, and support for Equal Rights.

The project was initially launched as a visual photo project by Brian Fijal an upcoming and unique photographer in the Erie area, with the assistance of fellow amateur photographers Jerry Davis and Megan Kuntz … the project has transformed to move beyond the visual to include the narrative, of American citizens.

Post your stories, your photos, your views at the Facebook page at:  Raise your voice-up!!!

The creators of Made In America:  Where are My Rights have an idiegogo campaign underway at to raise funds to undertake it’s stated mission as follows: 

The goal of Made In America: Where Are My Rights? is to educate the public on the struggles the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and The Ally community faces.

They have two big goals right now: to apply for  nonprofit status and create a series of books to showcase the photos and stories of the LGBTA community. The only problem is that both of these are quite costly.
Where will the money go?

Nonprofit application:  There are several applications that need to be completed, each of which have application fees.

Photo equipment:  As Made In America continues to grow, it’ll need more equipment, which isn’t cheap.

Travel expenses:  There are LGBTA community members all over the country who deserve to have their story told.  They need a way to get to them!

Why is this important?

Whether you realize it or not, members of the LGBTA community are all around you. You’ve probably already interacted with one today – at the bank, in your office, or on the sidewalk. They deserve the same rights as everyone else, and one way to help that happen is to tell their story.

Other Ways You Can Help

Can’t donate, but like the mission? Please help spread the word! Tweet and post a link to your Facebook, and tell all your friends!  The folks at Made in America need all the help we can give them.

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