Diversity Rules Magazine on the Air

Debuted February 5th
© 2014 Diversity Rules Magazine.  All Rights Reserved.

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Diversity Rules Magazine on the Air debuted on February 5th on the Free Spirit Broadcasting Network with its first guest being Terry Ludwig, author of the monthly “Keep Up Now” column.  The show will continue every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM.

For more information go to:


Diversity Rules Magazine on the Air celebrates the diversity of our humanity. Diversity Rules recognizes that the diversity of a society is its greatest asset and all of humanity benefits by celebrating that diversity among us. It will be an uplifting experience and discussion of issues of diversity and spiritual destiny. The show will prod you to think outside the realm of what is normal and conventional. You may also hear some things that will rile the soul but just sit back, relax and take in what you want and leave the rest.

February Show Schedule

February 5: Terry Ludwig — Author of Diversity Rules Magazine’s monthly “Keep Up Now” column
(Now archived at the Diversity Rules Magazine on the Air website)





February 12: Barb Morrison — the feature cover interviewee visits us to talk about her career, bisexuality and who all knows what else!


February 19: Poet James Schwartz — author of The Literary Party: Growing Up Gay and Amish in America. James offers a provocative and eye-opening account of what it was like growing up gay and Amish.


February 26: Donny Winter — author of “Remedies” — a regular monthly column in Diversity Rules Magazine. Donny will discuss the issue of bullying and the horrific impacts it has on society and our youth.


Stay tuned for the March Air Schedule!

Listen to the show LIVE

Listen LIVE at the following link. After the show is completed, the recorded version will appear below under the “Radio Shows” heading at the Diversity Rules Magazine on the Air website.

Click HERE to listen to the show live.

Advertise on the Show!

Advertising Opportunities are also available.  $50 for four 30 second ad spots – one run per show each month.  Contact the editor for more information at:



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