The Peoples Improv Theater presents a new recurring variety show that spotlights talent from femme and queer communities, called The Straight Man (TSM). This show signals a growing trend of marginalized performers claiming space within the NYC comedy scene. The Straight Man is already slated to subvert heteronormative comedy through strategic performance dates during Valentine’s […]
Tag: Jamie Benson
May Feature: Rebel Clown Jamie Benson
Jamie Benson proclaimed “one of the strongest, hottest contemporary dancers of his generation” by critic Lewis Segal, and “crazy” by The Dance Enthusiast’s Christine Jowers, is a choreographer and Cornish College of the Arts drop out. Called “Chaplin-like” by Backstage West, Benson danced in LATC’s Shag with a Twist, the film Rent, McDonald’s Mario Art […]
Coming Up In May: Jamie Benson
Jamie Benson, proclaimed “one of the strongest, hottest contemporary dancers of his generation” by critic Lewis Segal, and “crazy” by The Dance Enthusiast’s Christine Jowers, is a choreographer and Cornish College of the Arts drop out. Called “Chaplin-like” by Backstage West, Benson danced in LATC’s Shag with a Twist, the film Rent, McDonald’s Mario Art […]