Speaking Outreach

I am going to begin a speaking outreach soon. If you are interested in having someone chat to your group, conference or gathering about LGBT issues, please let me know. Contact Jim Koury, Editor, Diversity Rules Magazine with your information and/or request.

2 thoughts on “Speaking Outreach”

  1. I have a few questions:
    1) One, what are your goals with this project? (ie, what are you hoping to accomplish)
    2) What types of "groups" is this aimed at?(employers? social groups?)
    3) Can Pflag help you at all?

  2. Hey Jeremy,

    Well I am thinking this is another venue for me to get the word out about our issues and of course, the magazine! I have done presentations to health classes at the high school, been on two diversity panels and have done some gay pride talks. I also did a diversity training at the Police Department. So my goal is widespread; to hit kids, students, adults.

    I'd be open to having a discussion with PFLAG on what we can do to collaborate.


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