The Queers United Happy Hour is this coming Friday, September 21st from 5-8 p.m. All are welcome. The event will be held at the lovely Belvedere Cabaret in Greene, NY. Our host, Vincent Majka, has graciously offered the venue and will be providing the “eats” for the event. Hope to see you all there. Check out Vincent’s Facebook page for the the Cabaret at:
Lukus Wells will be performing some brief sets throughout the night. If you have not an opportunity to hear Lukus, this is your chance. He is a wonderful performer and I am sure you will enjoy listening to him. He will have copies of his CD’s for purchase as well.
Lukus’ webpage is:
He also has a Facebook page at:
Bambi Lobdell will be there promoting her new book entitled, “A Strange Sort of Being.” The book was also featured in the August 2012 issue of Diversity Rules Magazine. You can read about it at:
“Eats,” wine, and soda will be available, as well as some fun! Come on over to the Belvedere Cabaret in Greene, NY and meet some new friends! Friday, September 21st from 5-8 p.m.