May Feature: Tonia Snell – The CEO of 925HIRE
The May issue of Diversity Rules Magazine has been released featuring Tonia Snell, the CEO of 925HIRE. In addition to Tonia’s interview, the following is a partial listing of what’s coming up as well in May:
Keep Up Now: Terry Ludwig talks about creating your life!
Pay Me What I am Worth: A great book by Soul Man! If you’re at a point in your life where you’re looking for (a) your next thing, or (b) to bring your current thing to the next level; this book is for YOU!
Seeing Me Before I: A newcomer to Diversity Rules, LeNair Xavier, scribes a poetic piece entitled, “Seeing Me Before I.”
Queer Toons: A new set of “toons” by Mickey Ray.
The Amazon Trail: Lee Lynch’s next installment entitled, “Crossing America.”
inQUEERies: This is Susan Thomas’ first inQUEERies column. She took over for Milton Wendland who will be leaving his job in Kansas and relocating and won’t be able to focus on writing the column. Susan will “wow” you I am sure!
Raven’s Porn Corner: A new addition to the Diversity Rules family! Barry Cornelius of “Raven’s Eden” interviews the Savage Talon Media Men.
New York, NY: It’s a Hell of a Town: Robert Saladarini’s next travel article focuses on all things queer in New York City.
OUT Artist Review: O. Tomas Bell continues his column on OUT artists!
Remedies: The newest installment by Donny Winter entitled, “Single Gay, Straight World.”
As you can see from the sampling above, the May issue is packed full of great information but you won’t be able to read it unless you subscribe, as Diversity Rules is now a subscription only publication. Don’t miss a single issue! Subscribe now at:
Single issues are also available as well as an annual digital subscriptions for $2.25 and $4.95, respectively.