Gay Before God

A Book By William Bruce
© 2014 Diversity Rules Magazine and William Bruce.  All Rights Reserved.


‘Gay Before God’ bravely explores an issue that many in the church would prefer to sweep under the rug. Bruce’s narrative also leaves readers with plenty to think about – especially concerning those who claim to preach love yet hold intolerant attitudes that exclude homosexuals from publicly practicing their religion. This story of church scandal will leave anyone shocked, ashamed and concerned about the future of organized religion.

“I am a vicar who happens to be gay;” this forthright and daring attitude is what makes William Bruce such an effective author. In his new book, ‘Gay Before God,’ Bruce explores the explosive attitudes of the church’s attitudes towards homosexuality.

While its fiction, the book holds great value to the real world and almost reads like a factual exposé. Above all, Bruce’s story of love, lies and fear exposes a scandal and dilemma that is rampant in churches around the world.

Gay Love within the Church:  Within the hierarchy of the Church of England, a scandal is brewing – and hypocrisy reigns as charity is withdrawn. Gay love has no respect for narrow theological boundaries, and as gay passion trumps a Bishop’s furious demands for an end to a burgeoning same sex love affair involving a church employee, the future of families, careers and the reputation of the church itself are all placed in jeopardy.

A Love Letter and A Gay Awakening:  To be a gay Christian in a professedly modern and all-embracing church is explored, with the lives of the two lovers touchingly described. For one, a happily married man, or so he thought, the forbidden love comes as a shock. And the hostility from his superiors in the church, family and friends piles further torment onto an already complex situation.

To be Gay and Christian:  To be gay and Christian is a challenge few gay romance novels tackle. This one, sparked by a love letter that describes true love, albeit of the gay awakening variety, is a tender examination of the dilemmas felt daily by gay and straight clerics alike. No one is suggesting that there is a gay god or that there should even be a gay church, but surely a tolerant god should embrace true Christians no matter what their choice of sexual orientation. A superb novel for our times that asks the question – Can I be both Gay and Christian?

“I am most interested in that sparky interface between love and duty, feelings and respectability. This dilemma is particularly evident in the modern church,” says Bruce, who met his male partner by ‘accident’ while he was married to a woman. “My own personal story very much inspired the book, and I’ve been through the paralysis and confusion that so many other gay Christians face.”

Continuing, “However, it’s a scandal and story that needs to be told, as it’s happening all around us. I hope my words make people think, as this narrative is far more than just fiction.”

To date, the book has garnered rave reviews. M. Sibery comments, “Fantastic storyline, it is a must read. The author of this book makes it feel very real and heart rendering.”

Another reader, Owen, adds, “The real scandal is not the love affair, graphic and passionate as it is, but the way those who claim to preach love betray their real motives. The shady world of the church is played out in the shadows of cathedral close and the dark edifice of a bishop’s house. Meet the archdeacon who has a heart of stone, the ecclesiastical civil servant on the make and the bewildered mother who can’t swallow her spite. Unknowingly they collude to destroy the love they find so repulsive. It is so relevant to the news, with the latest revelations of cover-up and denial in a church that can’t quite stomach the consequences of what it sermonizes. If you want a love story with a punch and a message for our time, then this will be a good read.”

“Gay Before God” is available on


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