Trans Bodies, Trans Selves

A Resource for the Transgender Community
Edited by Laura Erikson-Schroth
Introduction by Jennifer Finney Boylan
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TBTS-CoverOxford University Press has released Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, a groundbreaking new resource guide for transgender populations. While primarily targeted towards transgender populations, the books serves as a resource, much like Our Bodies, Our Selves published in 1973, for partners and families, students, professors, guidance counselors, and others to look for up-to-date information on transgender life. The comprehensive guide will officially publish on June 9, 2014 and covers health, legal issues, cultural and social questions, history, theory, and more.

Written for and by TGNC (transgender and gender non-conforming ) people, each chapter takes the reader through an important transgender issue, such as race, religion, employment, medical and surgical transition, mental health topics, relationships, sexuality, parenthood, arts and culture, and many more. Anonymous quotes and testimonials from transgender people who have been surveyed about their experiences are woven throughout, adding hundreds of voices and creating depth and nuance in the way society understands the transgender experience.

Laura Erickson-Schroth, editor of Trans Bodies, Trans Selves said, “We are thrilled to finally see Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, an extraordinary labor of love, being released. Our hope is that it will not only be a resource but a lifeline for transgender people of all ages, their families and anyone who works with or cares about the transgender community. Each chapter of Trans Bodies, Trans Selves was written by transgender or genderqueer authors who are experts in their fields. Much like the iconic Our Bodies, Ourselves, the tone is accessible and promotes trans-positive, feminist and genderqueer advocacy. Our goal is to make this book available widely and as a non-profit organization, be able to provide the book to individuals, schools, libraries and anyplace where the lives of transgender populations might benefit from it.”

Jennifer Finney Boylan, who wrote the introduction to the book and is also the author of She’s Not There and Stuck in the Middle with You, said the resource “is nothing short of revolutionary. For the first time trans people speak to each other, and those that love us, about the issues that matter most to our community.  From politics to relationships to theory to just plain living, this groundbreaking resource book celebrates trans experience. Trans Bodies, Trans Selves makes clear that there are many, many ways of being trans, and  that all of us, in our many embodiments and incarnations, deserve to live happy, healthy lives, and— above all— to be loved.”

For more information on Trans Bodies, Trans Sevles go to the website:

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