Coming Up In January – James Schwartz

schwartzDiversity Rules Magazine welcomes James Schwartz as its January cover feature.

James Schwartz is a poet and slam performer striving for the simplicity of Cavafy mixed with modern gay wordplay and elements.  Schwartz’s poetry/slam material dialogues of queer issues and affirmations of gay (night) life and love.  He was born February 19, 1978 and raised in the Old Order Amish community in southwest MI.

Schwartz’s poetry publications include Poetry Life and Times (UK), Michiana’s Rainbow Gazette (P-FLAG), Babel:  The Multilingual, Multicultural Online Journal, LGBT Asylum News, All Poetry is Prayer anthology (2010), The New Verse News, Queer Dirty Laundry, Politiku, Poetry 24, Nostrovia! Poetry and @7×20.  Schwartz is the author of The Literary Party: Growing Up Gay and Amish in America (inGroup Press) 2011.

As a slam performer Schwartz has read at The Meta Café, This is Fire! The Zoo Bar and St. Joseph County MI, Democratic Inauguration Day party of President Barack Obama.

To find our more about James go to his website at:

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