Photo By: Rick Day
Get ready to create your greatness. Dwight Allen O’Neal provides the tools needed to inspire, empower, and aide you in believing you can do anything, just redirect your mindset, and positively shift your thoughts to create every day greater than the last.
Trained at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy and an extensive background in beauty. Dwight Allen O’Neal is a multi-talented industrialist with a strong portfolio of varied speaking engagements and a wealth of knowledge (from Entertainment, Beauty, or Entrepreneurship).
It’s been said that our mistakes are the sculptors that shape who we are. In Dwight’s new book Shoulda! Coulda! Woulda! he explores some of his own missteps and reflects on how they have affected his personal journey. In a series of vignettes ranging from lighthearted to traumatic, Dwight lets you know what happened, what he was thinking, and how each experience changed his life.
JRK: Before we get into the interview can you tell readers a bit about Dwight Allen O’Neal, where you are from, and all that good introductory stuff?
DAO: I am from Little Rock AR and tagged the “gay boy next door” I work to help my followers by sharing with them things I wished I knew before making various life choices. Being a Lifestyle Expert, I have been an advocate for HIV/AIDs, Trans Rights, and worked in beauty and continues to grow, build, and launch prestige brands. I also host podcast “Shoulda Coulda Woulda,” that hysterically takes my listeners through some of my and my special guests’ life learned lessons. I also just launched a non-profit organization, Beauty with a Cause (BWAC), that focuses on assisting LGBTQ individuals in securing careers in the beauty industry.
JRK: You have published your first book entitled, “ Shoulda! Coulda! Woulda!” Can you tell us a bit about that?

DAO: It’s been said that our mistakes are the sculptors that shape who we are. In my new book Shoulda! Coulda! Woulda! I explore some of my own missteps and reflect on how they have affected my personal journey. In a series of vignettes ranging from lighthearted to traumatic, I share with readers what happened, what I was thinking, and how each experience changed my life. Each chapter teaches as it entertains; my hope is that you will doubtless find yourself returning to Shoulda! Coulda! Woulda! again and again.
JRK: What are some of the defining “shoulda, coulda, woulda” moments that prompted you to write your book?
DAO: There have been several moments to really inspire me to write my first book. To be completely honest I felt that my podcast (with the same name) had some topics that I felt needed more depth and details. The book allowed that to become a reality. I also used the book to live my truth, when my mother read it she told me that she finally felt like she knew me. Considering my mother is my best friend it made me happy that she can finally say she knows
me, and still loves me.
JRK: You also do a “Shoulda! Coulda! Woulda!” podcast. What are some things you discuss on the show, who is your target audience, and how can we listen to that?
DAO: My podcast is available on all major platforms: Apple Podcast, Spotify Podcasts, and many others. When in doubt you can check out my website www.ONealAppeal.com for my podcast, merchandise, or just to say hello. My podcast is very similar to my book, I discuss my personal shoulda, coulda, woulda moments, however, I have guests hosts occasionally. I just recorded my season finale and I talk about my upcoming “Staycation!” I am going to actually pay myself to stay home to do some much needed R&R. With the money I pay myself, I will take an amazing vacation next year.
JRK: Our life’s missteps are a natural progression in our lives, as it is how we learn valuable lessons for the future. What advice can you give to those who have beat themselves up or who are beating themselves up over their past decisions instead of embracing their mistakes and learning from them?
DAO: We learn more about ourselves when we get up from mistakes. Life isn’t about perfection or failing, remember it is about your recovery. If you remember that everything happens for a reason and takes all things as a learning lesson it makes challenges a little easier to accept. The beauty in life is how gracefully you get up from your mistakes.
JRK: Your website states that you provided the tools needed to inspire, empower, and aide us in believing we can do anything by redirecting our mindsets and positively shifting our thoughts to create greater moments. Can you give us some insight into some of those tools?
DAO: You may have guessed it, BUT I am also a motivational speaker. Many of my talking points are about thoughts attracting things. One of my favorite activities is giving out a piece of paper to attendees, and allow them to do whatever they want on it or to it. When we take ownership of our lives it will change positively. I challenge us all to be free to be our authentic true selves. And to change your mindset to attract the life you deserve.
JRK: You have stated that “the biggest mistake a young person can make when they set out on their journey in life is living their life for their parents, their friends or for anyone other than themselves.” Can you expand on that a bit?
DAO: We have been conditioned at an early age to do what makes others happy. This isn’t always on purpose, however, it happens. When I realized that it was my personal responsibility to create my own greatness it changed my life. My advice to all young people is to remember that you have one life to live and you MUST live your life for YOU.
JRK: In these very challenging times we live in, what are some suggestions you may have to help people remain positive and empower themselves to forge on despite the unrelenting bad news we seem to be bombarded with every day?
DAO: Turn off the news! I do understand that we have to stay current on events, however, the news can impact you negatively. I use the news to learn the top stories. I encourage everyone to find other positive outlets. Try reading Shoulda! Coulda! Woulda! LOL Or tries taking an online course, rearrange your home, or take some time to connect with yourself. I spent a large portion of the pandemic reconnecting with Dwight.
JRK: Do you have any parting words of wisdom or want to address anything not covered yet?
DAO: Create your greatness and stay inspired. I honestly feel that if you change your mindset and believe in yourself you can accomplish anything. The only person keeping you from your greatness is you.
Moi OWN Mother used to say that would be the death of her & in the next breath I was always her nearest & dearest …
Thank you so much for the support Caoin!!! Blessings 🙂
AND THANK YOU Diversity Rules Magazine for the incredible feature!