By Jim Koury, Editor
© Diversity Rules Magazine. All rights reserved.
Welcome to the June issue of Diversity Rules Magazine! I am honored to present Larry Costa to you; a man of many talents. Larry’s story is quite remarkable and he has such a great attitude toward life and its meaning. I know you will enjoy his interview as much as I did!
This issue is full of great material as usual, if I may be so bold to say so myself! Once again I have tried to provide a nice mix of articles, and other features to satisfy many interests within the queer tent. However, I am always looking for new authors, and other creative types to fill the pages of Diversity Rules! Of particular interest are more lesbian, bisexual and transgender features.
Periodically I get the nonsense that Diversity Rules is male oriented. It certainly is not on purpose! It is not due to the lack of trying to include everyone. Content is never an issue; I always have enough for each month and then some, but it comes down to having a well balanced presentation of information. If anyone is interested, particularly the L, B, and T folks, please feel free to contact me!
June is upon us and with the month of June, comes Gay Pride! This issue highlights various pride celebrations occurring in New York during the month of June. Binghamton, Albany, Syracuse, Buffalo and the New York City Metro area have very substantial pride celebrations. There is also a link provided that will direct you to a more comprehensive listing of pride celebrations other than the ones mentioned. Check to see which one is closest to you.
I would encourage you to go to a pride event and celebrate who you are and be proud! Never apologize for the way you were born. You were born to be you! Take this pride season as an opportunity to begin to express who you truly are and be part of the movement toward equal rights for all people of this great nation. We need your voice, as there are many voices on the other side trying to take us backwards, and take away hard fought rights. DON’T LET THEM!
We have a lot to be proud of this pride season, 2012. Two more states have passed legislation approving same sex marraige, in Washington and Maryland. However, ballot initiatives are likely so we need to get the vote out to turn back those who wish to deny the queer community in those states the opportunity to marry.
Addtionally, DOMA has been ruled unconstitutional by the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals, in Boston. A three judge panel (2 Republicans and 1 Democrat) unanimously upheld a lower court decision that DOMA was unconstitutional. It now goes to the Supreme Court and that should happen sometime in 2013. Despite the tilt to the right, the court will have no other option but to concur with both lower court opinions and rule DOMA unconstitutional. When this happens, same sex marriage shall be legal throughout the United States. That will be a day to celebrate! Stay tuned.
In the meantime, be proud and live life to the fullest as the true you!