Why Diversity is Good for Business

By Tonie Snell, CEO of 925Hire
© 2014 Diversity Rules Magazine and Tonie Snell.  All Rights Reserved.

SnellTonie Snell is no stranger to hard work and she epitomizes the foundation of overcoming obstacles, no matter the size. As a single mom she worked hard to provide for her family and has never settled for the status quo. Her tenacious personality coupled with her ability to achieve and think outside the box led her on a path of becoming an entrepreneur and setting new trends in the LGBT community.

She is currently the CEO of 925Hire which is a full service staffing firm dedicated to an equitable workplace. Tonie started 925HIRE after working as a freelance recruiter for over a decade. She saw the disparities within her own community of those seeking true workplace equality and diversity which prompted her to start a staffing firm that is a true partner in diversity staffing. As our cultural climate changes to full acceptance and inclusion for our community, 925Hire is a provider of skilled professional and diversity training expertise throughout the US. When you are seeking diversity and fairness, 925HIRE will give you both and it will be a rewarding experience personally and professionally!

Diversity in the workplace needs to be viewed as a competitive advantage and a business opportunity. For those who perceive diversity as exclusively a moral imperative or societal goal are missing the larger point. 925HIRE makes diversity a business priority and strives to achieve a fully inclusive diverse workforce.

What is Diversity?

Diversity is about recognizing, respecting and valuing differences based on ethnicity, gender, color, age, race, religion, disability, national origin and sexual orientation. It also includes an infinite range of individual unique characteristics and experiences, such as communication style, career path, life experience, educational background, geographic location, income level, marital status, military experience, parental status and other variables that influence personal perspectives.

These life experiences and personal perspectives make us react and think differently, approach challenges and solve problems differently, make suggestions and decisions differently, and see different opportunities. Diversity, then, is also about diversity of thought. And superior business performance requires tapping into these unique perspectives.

Diverse Workforce

As our U.S. and global customer base becomes steadily more diverse, 925HIRE’s growth comes from accessing these diverse markets. It is our goal to establish long lasting and strong business relationships with our clients and candidates. Therefore we must understand our clients’ diverse cultures and decisional processes.

To do so, we must begin with a diverse workplace.  It is well-proven that diversity is GREAT for business, heterogeneous teams promote creativity, innovation and product development. By fully embracing diversity and maximizing the well-being and contributions of our people we strengthen the competitiveness of our company. We encourage individuals to reach their full potential, in pursuit of organizational objectives, by capitalizing on our differences.


The faces of clients, producers, employees and suppliers have been transformed into a dynamic mix of people comprised of various races, cultures and backgrounds. In 2008, “minorities” are roughly one-third of the U.S. Population, by 2042 “minorities” will be the majority.

The population in the United States — and globally — is forever changing. Forward-looking companies that recognize and understand the implications of these demographic shifts are altering their client focus, employee base and business practices to better manage the needs of current and future consumer base and employees.

Buying Power

If we disregard the changing demographics, we also disregard the substantial growth in buying power of diverse markets. These diverse minority groups are an increasing percentage of the population of the United States and also in the buying power they brandish.

During the time span of 1990 to 2007, minority group market share and purchasing power doubled and in some cases tripled. By 2013, that buying power will increase by another 30%. This economic clout is not limited to minorities but also other marginalized groups. Gay and Lesbian consumers control a 6.4% market share, or $835 billion. The present and future monetary power of diverse markets is more apparent each year.

Diversity is Imperative for global business

In order for 925HIRE to remain competitive for talent and for our clients, it is imperative that we attract and value diverse talent and enable that talent to attract and value diverse customers. Bottom line, diversity is good for business.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Reach a global audience? It starts with your talent in the workplace, 925HIRE Talent Managers can help. We wish you continued success in your endeavors.


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