Best known for his award-winning musical comedy, SPORK, JB Ghuman, Jr. is excited to present his latest original art expression, a 30-minute film that took nearly five years to create, “kEEp scrEEming.” Drawing inspiration from Disney’s The Little Mermaid, the film features appearances by notable stars including Scissor Sisters’ Jake Shears, RuPaul’s Drag Race’sTammie Brown, […]
Tag: Jr.
Coming Up In January: J.B. Ghuman, Jr.
J.B. GHUMAN, JR. AIMS TO ACTIVATE AN ENLIGHTENED PRISM PERSPECTIVE IN PEOPLE WITH NEW VIDEO ART INSTALLMENT, “kEEp scrEEming” “In my work, I let my mind be the canvas, my heart its paint brush; then reality itself curates the path.” — JB Ghuman, Jr. Best known for his award-winning musical comedy, SPORK, JB Ghuman, […]