My Two Cents

January Editor’s Message
By Jim Koury, Editor/Publisher, Diversity Rules Magazine
© 2015 Diversity Rules Magazine.  All Rights Reserved.

Eyes_Wide_Open_PicWelcome to the January issue of Diversity Rules Magazine.  Wow, can you all believe it is a New Year already?  Where has the time gone!?

I have to say that 2014 has overall been a good year for Diversity Rules Magazine.  It has expanded into the mobile app world through the joint venture with Press Pad. Press Pad’s innovative approach in providing access to magazine publishers such as mysself has allowed Diversity Rules to exapnd its reach a bit more.  Without such an approach it would not have been possible.  Thank you Press Pad.

Unfortnately 2014 brought a TEMPORARY end to the print edition once again.  It is unfortunate that it always is about the cash.  However, rest assured I am always diligently exploring ways to bring in the cash to get the magazine back in print.

As always, I am very thankful for your financial support either through advertising, subscriptions or just a gesture of investment generosity.

I must say though, I am always disappointed at the lack of support of the gay press by members of the queer community.  It saddens me when I hear folks lament the loss of gay print media but when asked if they supported it financially their answer is generally no.  The independent gay press does need your help and support.  Please consider doing so in 2015!

This month I welcome DJ InfTheTurnUp.  She is an innovative performer and entrepreneur that has made quite a name for herself in the entertainment world.  I hope you enjoy her interview.

Happy New Year.  I hope your 2015 is a very special one.


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