A series of small boutiques and storefronts lined up on the street. Many entrances have canopies and other welcoming features.

How To Create a More Inclusive Storefront

When you run a small business, you want to do your part to make it feel as inclusive as possible and create a sense of community and belonging. Whether you are a part of the queer community or just want to showcase that you care about the comfort of your customers, maintaining a sense of inclusivity can make a big difference. Today, we’re offering a few helpful tips on how to create a more inclusive storefront so that people visiting your establishment know that they can feel safe and comfortable.

Keep a Clean, Open Exterior

First impressions matter, and your storefront’s exterior is the first thing customers see. Keeping it clean and clutter-free not only looks professional but also signals that you care about creating a welcoming environment.

It’s a good idea to remove any obstructions that could make your store inaccessible, such as trash, excessive signage, or poorly placed merchandise. A clear path to your entrance ensures that everyone, including those with disabilities, can access your store easily.

If your business has a parking area out front, you can keep the area clean and aesthetically pleasing by knowing how often to sweep your parking lot. You can take care of it on your own or hire a professional service to do the job for you.

Another important aspect is the use of inclusive signage. Display signs that indicate your support for equality and diversity, such as rainbow flags or stickers that signal your store as a safe space. These small gestures can go a long way in making your customers feel seen and respected.

Choose Inclusive Interior Design

Another way to create a more inclusive storefront is to focus on accessible and open interior design. Wide aisles and well-placed signage can make a significant difference in the feel of a space. Avoid overly narrow spaces that could pose challenges for people using wheelchairs or other mobility devices. Incorporating gender-neutral restrooms is another vital step.

Traditional male and female restrooms can alienate non-binary or gender non-conforming individuals. A gender-neutral restroom signals that your business respects and acknowledges the diversity of gender identities.

Additionally, consider the language and imagery used in your marketing materials. Use inclusive language that doesn’t assume a customer’s gender or relationship status. For instance, instead of “Mr. and Mrs.”, opt for “Dear Customers” or similar neutral terms.

Review Staff Training and Policies

Inclusive policies and staff training are essential for creating a truly welcoming environment. Educate your staff about the importance of inclusivity and provide them with the tools they need to serve all customers respectfully.

Including staff pronouns on nametags can show that you’re sensitive to such issues. In turn, customers may feel more comfortable talking to and addressing your staff with any questions they may have. Make sure your policies explicitly state your commitment to inclusivity and outline procedures for handling discrimination or harassment.

Listening to your customers is another critical aspect of inclusivity. Encourage feedback and be open to making changes based on their suggestions. Regularly review your practices and policies to ensure they remain relevant and effective. By fostering an inclusive culture within your team, you create a ripple effect that extends to your customers, making them feel welcome and appreciated.

Creating a more inclusive storefront involves more than just aesthetic changes; it’s about fostering an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. It’s always a good idea to take the time to evaluate your current practices and make the necessary adjustments to ensure your business is as inclusive as possible. By doing so, you’ll not only attract a broader customer base but also contribute to a more accepting and inclusive society.

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